2015-2016 Fellows Publications
Camrin Braun
Braun CD, Kaplan MB, Horodysky AZ, Llopiz JK (2015). "Satellite telemetry reveals physical processes driving billfish behavior". Animal Biotelemetry 3(2).
Priest, MA, Almany GR, Braun CD, Hamilton RJ, Lozano-Cortés DF, et al. (2014). "Isolation and characterization of 29 microsatellite markers for the bumphead parrotfish, Bolbometopon muricatum, and cross amplification in 12 related species". Marine Biodiversity.
Berumen ML, Braun CD, Cochran JEM, Skomal GB, Thorrold SR (2014). "Movement patterns of juvenile whale sharks tagged at an aggregation site in the Red Sea". PLoS One9 : e103536.
Thorrold SR, Afonso P, Fontes J, Braun CD, Skomal GB, Berumen ML (2014). "Extreme diving behavior in devil rays links surface waters and the deep ocean". Nature Communications 5.
Braun CD, Skomal GB, Thorrold SR, Berumen ML (2014). "Diving Behavior of the Reef Manta Ray Links Coral Reefs with Adjacent Deep Pelagic Habitats". PLoS One 9: e88170.
Werry JM, Planes S, Berumen ML, Lee KA, Braun CD, Clua E (2014). "Reef fidelity and migration of tiger sharks, Galeocerdo cuvier, across the Coral Sea". PLoS One 9(1): e83249.
Walter RT, Kessel ST…Braun CD…Hussey NE (2013). "First record of living Manta alfredi x Manta birostris hybrid". Marine Biodiversity: 1-2.
Braun CD, Walser CA (2011). "The diet and distribution of largemouth bass (Micropterus salmoides) in the lower Boise River, Idaho". Western North American Naturalist 71(3): 316-326.
Jonathan Mailoa
Jonathan P. Mailoa, Colin D. Bailie, Eric C. Johlin, Eric T. Hoke, Austin J. Akey, William H. Nguyen, Michael D. McGehee, and Tonio Buonassisi. "A 2-terminal perovskite/silicon multijunction solar cell enabled by a silicon tunnel junction." Applied Physics Letters 106, 121105 (2015).
Jonathan P. Mailoa, Austin J. Akey, Christie B. Simmons, David Hutchinson, Jay Mathews, Joseph T. Sullivan1, Daniel Recht, Mark T. Winkler1, James S. Williams, Jeffrey M. Warrender, Peter D. Persans, Michael J. Aziz & Tonio Buonassisi1. Room-temperature sub-band gap optoelectronic response of hyperdoped silicon Nature Communications 5, 3011 (2014).
Amanda Giang
Giang, A., Stokes, L.C., Streets, D.G., Corbitt, E.S., Selin, N.E. (2015) “Impacts of the Minamata Convention on mercury emissions and global deposition from coal-fired power generation in Asia.” Environmental Science & Technology. 49.9: 5326-5335.
Gagnon, V.S., Gorman, H., Morrison, M., Norman, E.S., and Perlinger, J.A. 2014.2013 Community and Partner Workshop Proceedings: Managing Impacts of Global Transport of Atmosphere-Surface Exchangeable Pollutants (ASEPs) in the Context of Global Change, Proceedings, Michigan Technological University.
Mark Staples
Winchester, N., Malina, R.,Staples, M.D., Barrett, S.R.H.“The impact of advanced biofuels on aviation emissions and operations in the U.S.,” Energy Economics 49, pp. 482-491, 2015. DOI:10.1016/j.eneco.2015.03.024
Trivedi, P., Olcay, H., Staples, M.D., Withers M.R., Malina, R., Barrett S.R.H.“Energy return on investment for alternative jet fuels,” Applied Energy 141, 167-174, 2015. DOI: 10.1016/j.apenergy.2014.12.016
Staples, M.D., Malina, R., Olcay, H., Pearlson, M.N., Hileman, J.I., Boies, A., Barrett, S.R.H. “Lifecycle greenhouse gas footprint and minimum selling price of renewable diesel and jet fuel from advanced fermentation production technologies,” Energy and Environmental Science 7, pp. 1545-1554, 2014. DOI: 10.1039/C3EE43655A
Caiazzo, F., Malina, R., Staples, M., Wolfe, P., Yim, S., Barrett, S. “Quantifying the climate impacts of albedo changes due to biofuel production: a comparison with biogeochemical effects," Environmental Research Letters 9 (2), 2014. DOI: 10.1088/1748-9326/9/2/024015
Staples, M., Olcay, H., Malina, R., Trivedi, P., Pearlson, M., Strzepek, K., Paltsev, S., Wollersheim, C., Barrett, S. “Water consumption footprint and land requirements of large-scale alternative diesel and jet fuel production," Environmental Science and Technology 47 (21), pp. 12557-12565, 2013. DOI: 10.1021/es4030782
Linda Shi
Anguelovski, I., Shi, L., Chu, E., Gallagher, D., Goh, K., Lamb, Z., Reeve, K., and Teicher, H. (accepted for publication). “Towards Critical Studies of Climate Adaptation Planning: Uncovering the Equity Impacts of Urban Land Use Planning.” Journal of Planning Education and Research.
Shi, L., Anguelovski, I., Aylett, A., Chu, E., Debats, J., Dodman, D., Goh, K., Roberts, D., Roberts, J.T., Schenk, T., Seto, K., and S. VanDeveer. (accepted for publication). “Towards Justice in Urban Climate Adaptation: A Roadmap for Research and Practice.” Nature Climate Change.
Shi, L., Chu, E., and J. Debats. (2015). “Explaining Progress in Climate Adaptation Planning across 156 U.S. Municipalities.” Journal of the American Planning Association.
Carmin, J., K. Tierney, E. Chu, L. Hunter, T. Roberts, and L. Shi. (2015). “Adaptation to Climate Change.” In R.E. Dunlap and R. Brulle (eds.), Sociological Perspectives on Climate Change. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Carmin, J., K. Tierney, E. Chu, L. Hunter, T. Roberts, and L. Shi. (2015). “Adaptation to Climate Change.” In R.E. Dunlap and R. Brulle (eds.), Sociological Perspectives on Climate Change. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Shi, L. (2013). Urban Hazards and Resilience in South Asia. Contributing report for the South Asia Region Urbanization Flagship. Washington, D.C.: World Bank.
Shi, L. (2013). Methodology to Identify Target Cities for Climate Change-Focused Technical Assistance. Washington, D.C.: World Bank.
Shi, L., M. Escobar, B. Joyce, and J. Kostaras. (2013). Strategic Land Use Planning for Climate Change-Driven Water Shortages in El Alto, Bolivia. Cambridge, MA: Lincoln Institute for Land Policy.