Juhyun is a PhDCEP candidate in the Department of Chemical Engineering, working with Prof. Martin Bazant. His research aims to understand the relationship between the nanostructure of electrode materials and the performance of electrochemical energy systems, including batteries, capacitors, and fuel cells. In pursuit of higher energy and power density, as well as longer lifetime, modern electrochemical energy systems commonly employ nanostructured materials. The nanostructure determines important parameters affecting performance of the electrochemical systems, such as transport length and surface area. Interestingly, these parameters are not set to a single value but rather expand over a range due to the inherent randomness of the nanostructure. Therefore, not only their nominal values but also their distribution plays an important role in performance and degradation of the systems. By better understanding its effects, the ultimate goal of Juhyun’s research is to improve performance and lifetime of the electrochemical energy systems with optimized nanostructures. Juhyun received a B.S. summa cum laude from Seoul National University in 2008 and a M.S. from MIT in 2010.